Drop to upload


Sort photos within your browser!


1: Upload files

Upload or drop files to sort.


2: Folders

Enter the names of the folders to sort to.
Optionally, add hotkeys to sort quickly to that folder.

3: Sort

Upload progress bar
Click to open the gallery to start sorting!

4: Apply sorting

These commands create your folders, and move the files to them.
You can always undo this, see the 'Other' section.



Linux / MacOS


Universal (zip)

Download a .zip file with your sorted items.
Zip progress bar

This is slower and takes more space compared to applying the sort with commands.
Creating the download will take a long time.
The zip will contain all the files you just uploaded.



Undo sorting

These commands move the sorted items from their folders back to the main folder.



Linux / MacOS



Developed by Jort.
GitHub: Snapsort.

The reason I developed this app is simply because I could not find an existing program which allows you to manually sort images with hotkeys.

However, I have found a similar tool which sorts your files automatically with AI!
I was inspired by the command line export method his work has.

If you have more money than you need, and appreciate this tool, a donation would really excite me!

Advanced options

Below are some options I mainly used for testing whilst developing this tool.

Simulate the uploading of files, using example images:

Clear all your sorted items:

Load example keybindings, as an example how the program can be used:

Clear all the saved data. This includes defined folders and hotkeys, sorted items, opened sections and more: